Project proposed actions will capitalize upon the cross – border cooperation framework in order to jointly plan and implement monitoring, prevention, intervention, risk decrease measures. The geography of the envisaged area and its associated risks (floods, earthquakes, , heat waves and fires) determine the need of a joint cross-border emergency situations risk monitoring and management.
Project partners propose the development of an innovative and responsible approach and management strategy, consisting in:
- Joint establishment of the Project Joint Steering Committee ( PJSC), composed of the PP’s 5 legal representatives, which will act under a joint functioning procedure, on the basis of the project documentation submitted by the Project Implementation Committee ( PIC), in order to debate, agree and decide upon the project on going status and needs;
- Proper conduction of the Investment Activity package, the „hard” component of the project, consisting in the procurement, set up and interoperability of the joint specific intervention equipment ( partners agreed to jointly prepare the needed tender documentation during the project pre-contracting phase and then on to finalize equipment procurement procedures and equipment reception at the end of the 12th month of implementation);
- Proper conduction of the Implementation and Communication Activity packages, the „soft” and „sustainable” component of the project, consisting in – execution of joint tactical exercises, joint training, joint public information campaign, joint risk monitoring ( through the CB IT platform dedicated) and management procedures ( for each type of risk considered there will be a set of joint monitoring and intervention procedures developed; further on PP’s; all these initiatives will be integrated into a joint cooperation agreement and plan for emergency situation management), joint developing of a study concerning the future implementation of a joint SMART emergency situations monitoring, prevention and forecasting tools;
- Joint regarding of the equal opportunities, gender equality and sustainable development principles during project implementation, by considering direct measures.
Project strengthens the resilience of the European economy towards climate risks, as well as the disaster prevention and response capacity. This is an important indicator for attracting new Investments in the region and for the existing companies to develop their business. Project implementation has a benefic impact upon the CB area (formed by Timis County and Autonomous Province of Vojvodina - Central & Northern Banat Districts), that has almost 40 % of the Programme eligible area population and 45 % of the Programme eligible area population, by considering its direct contribution to the improvement of the CB risk monitoring and management, facilitating thus CB population safety, favorable conditions for economic development and mobility.