Joint educational program, 2023, in review
First set of project equipment (18 items) was acquired and made operational by City of Zrenjanin at the end of 2022. It includes: Truck tank 1 piece Minibus 1 piece Stacker 1 piece Sanding Machine 1 piece Chainsaw 1 piece Radio stations 2 pieces Handheld radio stations 10 pieces Handheld flashlights 20 pieces Extension ladders 1 piece Fire hose 5 pieces Masks 20 pieces Hand barrow 5 pieces Foldable bed 5 pieces Life jackets 5 pieces Backpack sprayer 5 pieces Uniforms 20 pieces Drone 1 piece Pickup 1 piece.
At the end of 2022 one portable intervention equipment set (1) was received, paid, made operational at the level of ADIVEST. The acquired set has: 2 pieces of protection & intervention helmets and gas masks + 2 first aid bags+ 2 pieces of protection & intervention suits + 2 pieces of protection and intervention hand gloves + 2 pieces of protection and intervention boots + 2 pieces of intervention and protection belts + 2 pieces of intervention and protection fireproof blankets + 1 piece of 2-4 persons’ tent.
Further on, Timis County Gendarmerie Inspectorate acquired 2 intervention boats. These boats are operational starting with January 2023.
In the first half of 2023, the intervention technique of the Emergency Situations Inspectorate "Banat" of Timiș County was improved by receiving and set up of the following types of equipment: Frame tanker semi-trailers for transporting drinking water - 1 piece; Loader Backhoe digger - 1 piece; High capacity towing pump - 1 piece; Inflatable tent with self-supporting structure - 14 pieces.
In the second half of 2023 ISU Timis, IJJ Timis and City of Kikinda finalized their project equipment procurements. CB technique of intervention was thus ameliorated with: 1 special command and intervention vehicle, 1 trailed field kitchen, 2 transport and intervention vehicles, Truck with drinking water 1 PIECE, Electric sludge pump 3 PIECES, Breathing apparatus for respiratory protection 4 PIECES, Chainsaw 1 PIECE, Firefighter backpack with engine power 6 PIECES and Helmet with a visor 20 PIECES.
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