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Inter-Community Development Association for the Emergency Situations Management (ADIVEST) is an association with public utility/service status created by the County Councils included in the West Regional Development Region in Romania. Its exclusive mission is to support the proper endowment and improvement of civil protection and emergency situations management services and activities offered by the Emergency Situations Inspectorates from Timiș, Caras-Severin, Arad and Hunedoara Counties.

ADIVEST’s objective is to increase the capacity for prevention and intervention in cases of emergency at the level of the whole West Region in Romania, using an approach which includes the cooperation between institutions with an operative role in emergency situations but also other local and regional actors with attributions in this field. This objective is backed by a series of initiatives and actions such as joint use of human and material resources, facilitation of coordinated action, encouraging any action which will lead to more efficient prevention and intervention and lastly to a higher degree of safety for citizens.

More info: www.adivest.ro

Emergency Situations Inspectorate “Banat” of Timis County (ISU TIMIS) - Romanian cross-border partner

Emergency Situation Inspectorate "Banat" 'of Timiș County (ISU Timiș) was founded through the unification of the Firefighters Group "Banat" of Timis County with the Timis County Inspectorate for Civil protection. ISU Timis is a non-centralized public service under the Romanian authority of the General Inspectorate for Emergency Situations, being locally coordinated by the Timis County Local Governor. ISU Timis acts with the purpose to prevent and manage emergency situations risks.

The main missions of the inspectorate are risk monitoring, prevention control operations, providing emergency care interventions through SMURD service, firefighting, controlled demolition of unexploded ammunition, searching and marking of areas the present CBRN (Chemical, biological, radioactive and nuclear) danger. Our operational centres and intervention units are based in Timișoara, Lugoj, Buziaș, Sânicolaul Mare, Făget, Deta, Pișchia and Giroc, covering all of the Timis County areas.

More info: www.isutimis.ro

Timis County Gendarmerie Inspectorate (IJJ Timis) – Romanian Cross-Border Partner

IJJ TIMIS was established through the law 550/2004 on the organization and functioning of the Romanian Gendarmerie and the Order of Ministry of Internal Affairs I/0534/08.04.2005, the last one being classified.

IJJ TIMIS has organized and executed specific missions that fall under its legal power and authority, on its own and incorporated system together with other institutions, as it is ISU TIMIS, with following main objectives of public order and safety: protection of the lives, physical integrity and freedom of persons, protection of public and private property, protection of citizen’s legitim interests, protection of community and state; participation in limiting and eliminating the natural, technological, environmental or complex disaster consequences; ensures the measures for order and protection of the areas where there were produced or exists the danger of breaking out fires, explosions or some other emergency situations.

More info: www.jandarmeriatimis.ro

City of Zrenjanin - Serbian cross-border partner

In the area of the City of Zrenjanin, besides the city settlement, there are 22 more inhabited places with about 125,000 inhabitants, on an area of about 1319 km2.

Annually about 650 interventions are registered on average, of which 555 are fire, of which 366 are fires in the open space. The largest number of these fires is caused by burning of dry grass, low vegetation and residues of crop crops. These fires are dangerous because they endanger both human lives and human health, crops, environment and objects in nature. The major problem is those fires that occur in protected areas, which in the territory of the City of Zrenjanin have a total of three. A joint and cross-border approach of risk monitoring, intervention procedures and equipment use in the area will consolidate our efforts towards disasters prevention, proper intervention, resilience and relief.

More info: www.zrenjanin.rs

City of Kikinda - Serbian cross-border partner

City of Kikinda - is located in the Northern part of Banat, 7.5 km from the Romanian and 60 km from the Hungarian border. It covers 783 km2 and has a little less than 60,000 inhabitants and it is the administrative center of the North Banat District. Through this project, the City of Kikinda will improve its preparedness for emergency management caused by natural disasters. Increased preparedness is reflected both through increased technical capacity - procurement of necessary equipment and as well as through increasing skills, training and awareness of the local population to act in emergency situations. One of the most important benefits are the joint implementation of activities, exchange of experiences and common drills that will increase preparedness for emergencies.

More info: www.kikinda.org.rs

Cooperation beyond borders.
Interreg-IPA Cross-border Cooperation Romania-Serbia Programme is financed by the European Union under the Instrument for Pre-accession Assistance (IPA II) and co-financed by the partner states in the Programme.
Romanian-Serbian Cross-border Risk Monitoring in Case of Emergency Situations

eMS Code: RORS-218

The content of this material does not necessarily represent the official position of the European Union.

In case of any complaints, contact: romania-serbia@mdrap.ro